GRIMAUD, the municipality which reaches the top the TOP 10 list with its notorious lake city of PORT GRIMAUD
By Olivier Marin, published on July 11th, 2019 in FIGARO Properties
The national ranking

Share of second homes, prestige properties, attractiveness of leisure activities, sunshine, proximity to a golf course … Properties Le Figaro publishes the first list of dreaming cities to buy a second home.
Where to install your second home? In which city or sector? Properties Le Figaro, a specialist in luxury real estate, has compiled a list of 50 locations, taking into account the results of its database and specific criteria of attractiveness.
The criteria used, the methodology
The ranking is based on indicators such as the evolution and share of second homes in a city (INSEE sources); data from the database of Le Figaro Properties as the number of properties for sale over 3 years, the share of luxury products (property, villa, cottage, farm, bastide, castle, mansion, loft, mansion …) on the market but also the proximity of leisure activities (distance to the sea, ski slope, nearest golf course, equipment …), the living environment and the average time of sunshine. A number of notes have been awarded. Each one can refine his criteria according to his interests and build a scale of values “à la carte”.
Grimaud, in the Gulf of Saint-Tropez (83), dominates the ranking
For this 2019 edition, it is Grimaud in the Var (83) which is at the top of the overall ranking. Nestled in the heart of the Gulf of Saint-Tropez, Grimaud offers the charm of ancient heritage and the advantages of modernity. Cultural activities, countryside, wilderness, sea and forest are the keys to its success. With its medieval village, its legendary port, and the proliferation of old stones, Grimaud arouses the greed and offers choices: more than 1500 listings of property in the space of 3 years have found owners on the basis of Properties Le Figaro. The area of the Gulf of Saint Tropez also arouses the enthusiasm of lovers of the south and the Mediterranean, who wish to enjoy punctually the charm of the Riviera and the sunny shores of Provence. Village life is more than ever acclaimed. Rayol-Canadel sur mer (83) another town in the Gulf of Saint-Tropez, ideally located in front of the sea, comes in 2nd position, Gassin and Saint-Tropez are ranked 4th and 5th. For the honor of the mountains, Megève, a popular resort for families in the heart of the Mont Blanc massif, finishes in 3rd place.
The safe values of seaside resorts
Among the dream places to set up your second home, safe values appear in Top 20: the village of Gordes (84) located in the heart of the Monts de Vaucluse and the Luberon Natural Park ranks 6th. At the edge of the Mediterranean, with nearly 500 villas and prestigious properties, sheltered under the flowers, palm trees, pines and olive trees, Saint-Jean Cap Ferrat (06) is 10th. The hill stations Chamonix Mont-Blanc (74) is 11th
and Courchevel (73) is 13th are acclaimed; Porto Vecchio, a popular destination in Southern Corsica, arrives 12th. For its part, Deauville 13th is leading the Normandy destinations; the Ile de Ré 18th still has its faithful followers of the “retaise” art of living, just like La Baule (44) 20th, with its beach listed in the club of the most beautiful bays in the world, its historic villas and his leisure activities. Finally, among the “pépites” Egalyières (13), a village located in the heart of the Alpilles, facing the vineyards and vast olive groves, ranks 13th. Properties Le Figaro notes also in this town of just 1900 inhabitants a real craze (386 listings of luxury goods) with a wealthy clientele looking for authenticity since 3 years.
Casual housing, pied a terre for holidays … the second home is always dreaming. Rather at the sea than in the countryside or in the mountains.
3 Millions 410 000 is the number of second homes in France according to INSEE (source 2016).
9% of French have one.
44% of second homes are located on the coast.
The “Le Figaro Properties” studies the opportunity to recall the fundamentals when buying a second home: it is necessary to anticipate the work and to have the location in mind. If you want to rent it punctually to cover the costs, it is necessary to look after the decor, to offer the maximum comfort and services (wi-fi, air conditioning, parking …). In a general way, it is necessary to privilege the proximity of all that can give value to the secondary residence: to be close to a beach, a forest, a golf or ski tracks … the place must be convenient and accessible by transport.